Crowdsource-enabled integrated production and transportation scheduling for smart city logistics
With city logistics becoming more and more important, increasing attention has been paid to the ‘last-mile delivery’ in urban areas. We investigate a novel crowdsource-enabled integrated production and transportation scheduling problem in the paper. The problem is first formulated into a mixed-integer linear program and its strong NP-hardness is proved. To better understand this complex problem, two sub-problems: a production and transportation scheduling problem and a crowdsourced bid selection problem are analysed. Based on problem properties, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) and a lower bound (LB) are developed to solve the original problem. Experimental results with up to 100 customers show that the GA outperforms the well-known commercial MIP solver CPLEX. Especially, (1) the GA can yield near-optimal solutions for all the tested instances with an average gap of 10.17% from the lower bound, while CPLEX provides feasible solutions only for instances with no more than 30 customers; (2) the average computation time of the GA is only 0.93% of that required by CPLEX; Besides, sensitivity analysis demonstrates advantages of introducing crowdsourced delivery into city logistics.