Journal Articles International Journal of Production Research Year : 2024

Scheduling a multi-agent flow shop with two scenarios and release dates


Cloud computing is widely applied in modern industrial areas due to its technological advancement, cost reduction, and applicability. Packets (tasks) belonging to different applications (agents) compete to share the common cloud resource through a series of edge nodes (processors) in pursuit of fast transmission. This paper abstracts the cloud computing system as a multi-agent flow-shop scheduling (MAFS) problem. The objective is to minimise the total completion time of several agents with the restriction that the maximum lateness cannot exceed a given bound. Given the complexity of the considered problem, a branch and bound algorithm combined with several pruning rules and lower bounds is proposed to obtain optimal solutions. Furthermore, the considered problem is generalised to a bi-scenario version, and a bi-population cooperative co-evolutionary (BCCE) algorithm is proposed to solve it. A reinforcement learning-based method is presented to generate the initial population. Several problem-specific intensification strategies are constructed to explore promising solutions. Comprehensive experiments verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. The industrial data from the China Earthquake Network Centre further confirmed the superiority of the BCCE algorithm. Overall, the MAFS model and the proposed algorithms effectively enhance the user experience and reasonably guarantee revenue.
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Dates and versions

hal-04055463 , version 1 (02-04-2023)



Xinyue Wang, Tao Ren, Danyu Bai, Feng Chu, Yaodong Yu, et al.. Scheduling a multi-agent flow shop with two scenarios and release dates. International Journal of Production Research, 2024, 62 (1-2), pp.421--443. ⟨10.1080/00207543.2023.2188646⟩. ⟨hal-04055463⟩
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